It's an exciting time to be working at the South London Gallery (SLG)! The stage two bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund (which I contributed towards) was successful and the gallery has started construction work on the former Peckham Road Fire Station with the aim to open it to the public as a cultural centre in 2018. The SLG are now seeking donors and partners to help raise the final £700,000.
I have just appointed the first additional post in the lead up to the fire station opening. This is a Heritage Education Coordinator who will be responsible for working with schools and community groups responding to both the fire station building and the gallery's archives (which will be publicly available for the first time both online and displayed in the new building). This role will also be involved in collecting oral histories, working with heritage trainees and setting up a volunteer programme. In addition, the SLG is also currently recruiting for an archivist.
For more information take a look at the SLG's fire station website page and also at the article "Peckham's former fire station rises from ashes as new hotspot of art" in the Evening Standard