Brixton Header Wall

An exciting new commission by artist Njideka Akunyili Crosby  - Remain, Thriving - went up at Brixton tube station last week, the first of a new series of commissions for Art on the Underground. These take the murals that were created in Brixton during the 1980s as an initial point of departure and invite the selected artists to respond to their diverse narratives, the rapid development of the area and the wider social and political history of mural making.

I interviewed passersby to get their initial responses to the work, such as:

Made me think you rarely come across an image of just Black people in general; it’s about the everyday, not suffering

It reflects our community - Windrush.”

For more information about the commission visit here


Remain, Thriving by Njideka Akunyili Crosby at Brixton tube station
