GEM Conference 2024

I attended the GEM conference in Bristol from 11-13 September and enjoyed delivering a workshop, which was a mapping exercise as part of my work with GEM on work experience, work placements and inclusive pathways. I began with a short presentation on the research so far, and then everyone introduced themselves by placing a postit with their name and organisation on a large map. They responded to the following questions  either through discussion or adding to the mapping exercise:

  • What do you already offer or are aware of in your local area?

  • What are the challenges & barriers?

  • Where are the gaps?

  • What partnerships are enablers? 

  • Where could connections be made that don’t already exist?

  • What support would you like to see from GEM?

We then ended with everyone writing down on a postcard one thing they could take away as a follow up to initiate change within their organisation or local area - which could be something big or small.

Other conference highlights for me were the keynote speakers Turi King and John Falk, the workshop I participated in focusing on career confidence led by Liz Fraser-Betts from Dot Dot Dash Coaching, and the Museum Bums tour of Bristol Museum & Art Gallery. It was my first conference in real life for six years so good to reconnect with peers I hadn’t seen for a while and to make some new contacts. Thanks to the GEM team for a brilliant experience!

Group mapping exercise: work experience, work placements and inclusive pathways.